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银虫 (小有名气)

[交流] PhD scholarships: Minerals and Energy Resources Processing已有1人参与

We have secured a research project under Round 3 Global Innovation Linkages program which provides funding to help Australian businesses and researchers collaborate with global partners. We provide living stipend scholarship (AUD28,854 per annum (2022 rate)) and tuition scholarship for two PhD students who will work within a large team from two universities and a number of industries in three countries. One PhD student will study the rheology of coal, mineral and bitumen froths subjected to physical forces and pressure changes. The second PhD student will study how chemicals modify the interfacial properties of coal, mineral and bitumen froths. The two PhD students will participate in the trainings and field trials in three countries.

The School of Chemical Engineering of the University of Queensland is an international leader in the chemical engineering field and its resource processing is also highly ranked in the world. If you are interested in the scholarship, you may apply following the link of the advertisement below or send your CV and qualificaiton to Prof. Yongjun Peng Email: yongjun.peng@uq.edu.au

https://scholarships.uq.edu.au/s ... esources-processing
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铜虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by chenxumeng119 at 2021-11-02 17:48:30

3楼2022-02-05 17:55:58
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银虫 (小有名气)

2楼2021-11-02 17:48:30
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