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[交流] 瑞典植物生物招收岗位博士

We are recruiting a PhD student to work on a project aimed at manipulating plant development using microProtein engineering. MicroProteins are small single-domain proteins that have been shown to control diverse biological pathways. While some microProteins are encoded as individual genes, we have evidence that other microProteins might be hiding in genes and are dynamically expressed in response to changes in the environment. We aim to dissect light and magnetosensing signaling pathways to understand the biotechnological potential of these small proteins and aim to use them as tools to engineer biosynthetic pathways. In the project we will employ forward, and reverse genetics approaches in Arabidopsis plants and yeast, protein biochemistry and biochemical engineering.
You apply through our recruitment system Varbi on May 15, 2024, at the latest. The application may be written in English, Swedish, Norwegian, or Danish and should include:

A short (max 2 pages) description of why you are interested in the position
Certified copies of certificates from higher education
List of completed university courses and the grades
Copy of publications/degree thesis
If you have questions regarding the position, please contact Stephan Wenkel, stephan.wenkel@umu.se

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